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Confidently You Hypnotherapy
Get to know me

My Story

Why I chose to train in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy


Almost 17 years ago, I became bed-bound for about 3 years, with a very debilitating condition. At the time my boys were aged 9 and 11. They became my carers. Every day became a challenge for both me and them. My bedroom became a visiting room and my prison. Life could not have got much worse and my mood plummeted to the floor. Seeing my children having to do a full day in school and then come home to care for me, and our home, was heart wrenching.  People often ask how I coped through that time in my life.


Despite the depression and challenges, I instinctively knew that I had to change my focus. I had little control over anything and so I started to make little changes – changes that I could have control over and achieve. One of my first, was to sometimes sleep with my curtains open, so that I had a view of the stars and the sunrise, over the neighbouring church tower. It sounds simple – but it was MY decision and I could make it happen. I then decided to enrol with The Open University. I still remember the excitement of choosing my course and receiving the course materials. I stopped focusing on what I couldn’t do and started to focus on what I could. And despite it being difficult, I began to study. Being bed bound, I had to write upside down with a pencil but soon I was receiving good grades. Despite my limited capabilities I was achieving something – I was bettering myself. The depression lifted. I grew in confidence and from that stand point, and with a different focus, I decided to look at how I could make bigger changes – perhaps find a cure for my conditions.


It was then I discovered a therapist who could help me manage the pain.  That therapist was 400 miles away. How on earth was I going to access this help? One small step at a time, that’s how.  I enrolled my children into a local school in Kent and I found us a home. Leaving our family behind was difficult, but I knew that, to give my children and myself the independence we dreamed of, we had to make that change.


I went on to pass my degree with the OU, gaining a First Class BA Hons in Humanities with Creative Writing Specialism. I've also written a book which awaits its synopsis and have had several Flash Fiction and Poems published. Also experience in running writing workshops


Everything I have done and achieved, has built my confidence to the point that I felt I would like to become a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist and I decided to train with the Clifton Practice, Hypnotherapy Training, in London.  There are many stems of Hypnotherapy, but I chose the Solution Focused route, because I truly believe in its success. How could I not? It was in being Solution Focused that brought me to where I am today. I love working with clients who want to make changes in their life – one small step at a time.



Karen Rollason


  • DSFH & Member of AfSFH


  • First Class BA Hons


  • TA101


  • Diploma in  Therapeutic & Reflective Writing with the Professional Writing Academy.


  • Member of Lapidus


  • Chair of Tunbridge Wells & District Writers' Circle.

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