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Confidently You Hypnotherapy


Welcomes You

Welcome to Confidently You 


You may have found my website through curiosity, perhaps someone has advised you to take a look, or perhaps you are seeking help. Whatever the reason, I am pleased to welcome you here.


I don’t think anyone is immune from stress, anxiety or depression, these days. Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed, our emotions rising and falling. Sometimes we can feel like we are drowning and making us feel like we can’t cope. Perhaps you are someone who presents an outwardly calm persona, but beneath the surface, you are paddling like mad to stay afloat. Sometimes it can feel like one more problem, will sink us.

There is no shame in feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed – you are certainly not alone and the good news is – there are solutions.


So how does Solution Focused Psychotherapy work?


As a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist, I use techniques from Solution Focused Brief Therapy. I can help you identify solutions and guide you towards those solutions. We work collaboratively, focusing on the future and not the problems of the past. In this way, clients can soon feel back in control and recognise their own, individual resources.  Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helps to reduce stress and anxieties, depression and panic attacks. It helps you to feel more positive about yourself and your life and has a ripple effect, so that as you make one change, this will ripple out, into other areas of your life such as relationships and career. As a result, you can move forwards with confidence and into a brighter future.


If you would like help to benefit from the ripple effect of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, then take those first few steps today, by booking yourself in for your Initial Consultation, where I can explain how I work and how I can help you.  


What is Hypnosis


Many are surprised to find that hypnosis, in the therapeutic setting, is not about losing control. The therapist cannot make you do something you would not wish to do.  Hypnosis uses positive imagery and suggestion in order to promote changes to unhelpful behaviour, thought patterns and beliefs. When we are relaxed, the mind is open and responsive, to these suggestions.


You will find you are familiar with the feeling of focused attention. You may recall travelling somewhere and on reaching your destination, have no idea how you got there. When we read, we go into a similar state of awareness – to put it simply – it is like a daydream. Hypnosis is completely safe so there is no danger of over-dozing.


The hypnosis I practice, underlines the Solution Focused Psychotherapy part of our sessions and so when these two disciplines are used together, they are incredibly powerful and effective. One of the first things a client will notice, following their session, is that they begin to sleep better. The ripple effect begins and widens into other parts of their life.






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