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Confidently You Hypnotherapy

Areas of Work



Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you in many areas of your life. It can alleviate your symptoms, improve your life experience and help you to cope so much better with life and its challenges. 


The list below is not exhaustive and in many cases hypnotherapy doesn't just  improve the issues that it was sought for in the first place, but ripples out, creating other benefits too. 


Take a look at the list below to see just some of its benefits:


  • Self-esteem and  confidence

  • Stress and Anxiety

  • Sadness and Loss

  • Anger

  • Addiction

  • Panic Attacks

  • Fears and Phobias

  • Negative thinking

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Sleep problems

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Physical Symptoms and Chronic Pain

  • Healthy Eating/Weight loss

  • Smoking Cessation







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