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 My Fees 

Initial Consultation - £30


Following your Initial Enquiry I will invite you to an Initial Consultation. This will take approximately 1.5 hours.  Once you are feeling comfortably seated I will take a brief history and this will give you the opportunity to explain what has led you to seek Hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. Once I have a fuller picture I will explain how the brain works and how and why you may be struggling with the issues you have raised. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know each other a little but also it is a tremendous start to you feeling better about your issues. Just understanding how the brain works often helps the client to feel more hopeful and confident in themselves and the decision they have made to seek my help. You will also be given a free MP3 or CD to listen to between appointments.


Subsequent Sessions are £50 and last approximately 60-80 minutes.

These sessions are separated into two parts. The first part will involve Solution Focused Psychotherapy.  I will help to guide you in being future focused - enabling you to identify new and positive solutions which will help to have a positive impact on your life.  This will naturally lead on to the couch/hypnotherapy session where you can relax and unwind. You can find out more about what Hypnotherapy involves my clicking on What is Hypnotherapy.


Phobias - £50

Phobias generally take 4 sessions in total. This includes the Initial Consultation. I will use rewind and reframe techniques in order to help you to be free from troublesome fears. The rewind session might take a little longer than the 60-80 minutes. This is because the session is determined by you and your particular anxiety.  Apart from the Initial Consultation the following 3 sessions will be £50 irrespective of length.


Smoking Cessation - £110

This is a one-off session and can take up to 2 hours. I will begin with taking a brief history about your general health and habit. I will then guide you through an explanation about how we can develop the smoking habit and how the Hypnotherapy can help you to stop. This will be followed up by a couch/hypnotherapy part of the consultation which reinforces your wish to quit smoking. It is important that YOU want to give up smoking and you are not seeking to stop due to the wishes of others.

Client Reviews
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