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There's Stress in My Bucket

When did you last feel at peace...feel calm....feel relaxed? Life is so busy these days, so hectic, that I won't be surprised if you have had to pause and wonder...when was the last time? Perhaps you can't even remember.

Many of us live with a background level of anxiety and stress. So much so, that you might have forgotten how wonderful, feeling relaxed and at ease, can actually be.

You may have found that you don't sleep as well as you once did. The problem is, when we are anxious, we pile all our stress into what we call a Stress Bucket. This bucket is emptied through the natural process of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. However, with too much stress in your bucket, and not enough, quality REM sleep, to empty it, we find ourselves coping less and less.

This lack of coping might present itself as panic attacks, the inability to do things that once you were able to, like getting on a train, plane, tube - walking down the street, going out for a meal or spending time with friends. Before you know it, your life is severely impinged by all the stress.

The good thing about Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, is that it improves sleep, so that you can begin to have a good night's rest and more importantly, get enough REM sleep, to empty your bucket. And if you're name's not Henry, and you don't have a hole in your bucket, then the only way you can empty it, is by reducing the stress and getting more REM Sleep.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy replicates the body's natural REM sleep, so that you can begin to relax, let go of stress and get the real you back.

If you would like to know more about how I can help you - then please message me in the contact page.

There's stress in my bucket, Dear Liza, Dear Liza'

'Well fix it Dear Henry, Dear Henry ...fix it!!!'

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